Oct 18, 18 · Examples of SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS Most businesses use a combination of SaaS and IaaS cloud computing service models, and many engage developers to create applications using PaaS, too SaaS examples BigCommerce, Google Apps, Salesforce, Dropbox, MailChimp, ZenDesk, DocuSign, Slack, HubspotOct 10, 18 · An IBM perspective IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS Software as a service (SaaS) Today, SaaS patterns are generally accepted by many companies that want to benefit from application usage without the need to maintain and update infrastructure and components Mail, ERP, collaboration, and office apps are the most accepted SaaS solutionsMar 06, 19 · IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS are essentially the three main pillars of cloud computing These easily confusable abbreviations stand for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Platform as a Service (PaaS) Software as a Service (SaaS) "As a service" simply means a facility, usually related to IT, computing, or telecommunications, that's available to ...